Project | Tech Stack | LoC1 HoC4 | Team2 | Start | Life3 | Business Case | |
![]() | Java, XML, XSLT, Velocity | 12K 23K | 7 | 2015/Feb | 2 | True Object-Oriented and Immutable Java Web Development Framework, a replacement of outdated SpringMVC and Play, read this blog post: Java Web App Architecture In Takes Framework | | | Java, Docker, DynamoDB, Bash, Git, Github API, Maven, CasperJS, SASS, PostgreSQL | 12.7K 427K | 12 | 2013/Jun | 18 | Coding team assistant, automating merge, release, and deploy operations. It exploits Docker containers for builds isolation. Read some articles about it: Every Build in Its Own Docker Container, Rultor + Travis and Rultor, a Merging Bot | | | Java, MySQL, Heroku, Elastic Beanstalk, S3, DynamoDB, SimpleDB, Github API, Maven plugins, HTTP, JUnit, Hamcrest | 97.2K 499K | 27 | 2012/Apr | 110 | Useful Java components, including AOP aspects, DynamoDB SDK, MySQL Maven Plugin, etc. Check these articles about the most interesting jcabi components: Fluent Java Http Client, Object-Oriented Github API, MySQL Maven Plugin, and Object-Oriented DynamoDB API. | | | Java, DynamoDB, Maven, JUnit, CasperJS, Bootstrap, SASS | 8.7K 10.4K | 3 | 2014/May | 6 | Stateful RESTful web privitives with XML/JSON API. We are actively using this web tool in every application that works with DynamoDB. Atomic Counters at article explain the details. | |
| Java, DynamoDB, S3, EC2, H2 Database, Maven, JUnit, Mockito, XML/XSLT, HTML5, CSS | 12.3K 42.8K | 3 | 2012/Aug | 35 | is a gateway to private AWS S3 buckets that provides Basic HTTP authentication. At the moment, hosts over 300 domains and sends through more than 10Mb of data each hour. This blog post explains its business case with more details. | |
| Java, DynamoDB, H2 Database, Maven, JUnit, Mockito, XML/XSLT, HTML5, CSS, jQuery | 13.9K 732K | 8 | 2010/Apr | 57 | Secure online environment for private long-term business communications. Originally developed in PHP, then migrated to Java, then re-factored and simplified. At the moment, it is actively used in our internal communications. | |
| Java, Maven plugins, Checkstyle, PMD, FindBugs, JUnit, Mockito | 10.9K 87.3K | 7 | 2011/Aug | 90 | Static quality analysis toolkit for Java/Maven projects | |
| Java, XSTL, ANTLR4, Maven plugins, JUnit, Mockito, jQuery | 12.2K 265K | 6 | 2010/Mar | 24 | Controlled Natural Language (CNL) and Java library for formalization of requirements specification. Incremental Requirements With Requs article explains what is it for and how we’re using this tool in our projects. | |
![]() | Java, XML, DOM | 5.5K 10.3K | 3 | 2013/Jul | 10 | XML manipulation language with Java implementation. Its purpose is explain in Xembly, an Assembly for XML article. We actively use this library in almost every project. | |
pdd gem | Ruby, Cucumber, Minitest, Rubocop | 1.5K 9.6K | 1 | 2014/Aug | 2 | Puzzle Driven Development automation tool that parses source code files, finds TODO markers and builds an XML report. PDD and this tool are explained here. | |
![]() | PHP, PHPCS, PHPMD, xdebug, AJAX, jQuery | 9.1K 39.7K | 9 | 2010/Jan | 20 | Integration testing framework that allows on-production monitoring of a running script application |
takes.orgTrue Object-Oriented and Immutable Java Web Development Framework, a replacement of outdated SpringMVC and Play, read this blog post: Java Web App Architecture In Takes Framework
[Java, XML, XSLT, Velocity] -
rultor.comCoding team assistant, automating merge, release, and deploy operations. It exploits Docker containers for builds isolation. Read some articles about it: Every Build in Its Own Docker Container, Rultor + Travis and Rultor, a Merging Bot
[Java, Docker, DynamoDB, Bash, Git, Github API, Maven, CasperJS, SASS, PostgreSQL] -
jcabi.comUseful Java components, including AOP aspects, DynamoDB SDK, MySQL Maven Plugin, etc. Check these articles about the most interesting jcabi components: Fluent Java Http Client, Object-Oriented Github API, MySQL Maven Plugin, and Object-Oriented DynamoDB API.
[Java, MySQL, Heroku, Elastic Beanstalk, S3, DynamoDB, SimpleDB, Github API, Maven plugins, HTTP, JUnit, Hamcrest] -
stateful.coStateful RESTful web privitives with XML/JSON API. We are actively using this web tool in every application that works with DynamoDB. Atomic Counters at article explain the details.
[Java, DynamoDB, Maven, JUnit, CasperJS, Bootstrap, SASS] - is a gateway to private AWS S3 buckets that provides Basic HTTP authentication. At the moment, hosts over 300 domains and sends through more than 10Mb of data each hour. This blog post explains its business case with more details.
[Java, DynamoDB, S3, EC2, H2 Database, Maven, JUnit, Mockito, XML/XSLT, HTML5, CSS] -
Secure online environment for private long-term business communications. Originally developed in PHP, then migrated to Java, then re-factored and simplified. At the moment, it is actively used in our internal communications.
[Java, DynamoDB, H2 Database, Maven, JUnit, Mockito, XML/XSLT, HTML5, CSS, jQuery] -
Static quality analysis toolkit for Java/Maven projects
[Java, Maven plugins, Checkstyle, PMD, FindBugs, JUnit, Mockito] -
Controlled Natural Language (CNL) and Java library for formalization of requirements specification. Incremental Requirements With Requs article explains what is it for and how we’re using this tool in our projects.
[Java, XSTL, ANTLR4, Maven plugins, JUnit, Mockito, jQuery] -
xembly.orgXML manipulation language with Java implementation. Its purpose is explain in Xembly, an Assembly for XML article. We actively use this library in almost every project.
[Java, XML, DOM] - pdd gem
Puzzle Driven Development automation tool that parses source code files, finds TODO markers and builds an XML report. PDD and this tool are explained here.
[Ruby, Cucumber, Minitest, Rubocop] -
Integration testing framework that allows on-production monitoring of a running script application
[PHP, PHPCS, PHPMD, xdebug, AJAX, jQuery]
1 LoC stands for "Lines of Code", excluding empty lines and comments, calculated using cloc. 2 Team includes only active contributors to the source code and doesn't include testers, active users, and documentation writers. 3 Even though all projects are actively exploited by its users, some of them are not in active development any more. Lifetime means the total calendar time of active development by the project team, in weeks. 4 HoC stands for "Hits of Code", calculated by hoc, as explained in Hits-of-Code Instead of SLoC